Q & A with Dinora Flores

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Q & A with Dinora Flores

We asked our PT’s questions our patients may have not known. Check out our Q & A with Dinora Flores.

Q. In what city/town were you born? 
A. I was born in Laredo, TX

Q. What high school did you graduate from? 
A. I graduated from John B. Alexander High School and also participated in their Magnet Program.

Q. Was becoming a Physical Therapist your first option? 
A. Most definitely! The Magnet Program exposed me to a variety of medical fields in which Physical Therapy suited me perfectly.

Q. What best describes the moment you knew you wanted to be a PT? 
A. Volunteering at hospitals and various outpatient facilities gave me a sense of gratification. I saw the importance of physical therapy and the results with various patients. It was a smile, a gesture, or verbal statement of happiness and satisfaction seen in the patients for accomplishing their goals that to them seemed insurmountable. 

Q. Were you nervous when you treated your first official patient as a Physical Therapist?
A. No, excited to use all the techniques I had learned! 

Q. To relax, what are your hobbies? 
A. Jogging, and spending time with my family. Watching movies, vacationing, and watching my kids participate in extra-curricular activities. I am my kid’s number one fan!

Q. Do you have a favorite TV show past or present, and why is/was it your favorite?
A. Grey’s Anatomy during PT school years to discuss with friends and challenges to find inaccuracies. Currently, my kids games are my reality shows! 

Q. Is music important in your work environment?
A. Yes, to set the tone for the day whether it’s international, country, or light rock.

Q. What does LSMC mean to you?
A. My love and commitment to provide quality care to the Laredo and surrounding communities.

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